Thursday, April 16, 2009

I have Been Remiss not writing.

Much has happened since last September when I posted "life without power."

To hit on the highlights:

I have had 6 poems accepted for publication....

A retreat in November went swimmingly.

I attended a writers intensive in England in January...lots of fun and learned a lot.

My Women Writing for (a) Change class in Traverse City last fall nurtured my teaching skills.

In November, I moved back to Cincinnati and took a full time job in Marketing Research due to the economy.

I am still writing and TAKING classes at Women Writing for (a) Change in Cincinnati (the mother school).

Retreats in Michigan will continue to be offered twice a year, in July and November at the Augustine Center in Petoskey, MI.

And that's been my life....

Of course, I am still writing. Here is one of the poems that is being published:

The Apocalypse

We are all tourists,
passing through,
collecting souvenirs:
flamingo toothpick holders
demerits for venal sins.

War is fought daily
over minutiae, fodder
for the wrens’ nest.

Life is not all
black and white,
soon we shall all be
the color of strong
coffee with cream.

God spends her
capital on the
most wretched:
homeless vets
hooked on booze,
mothers who
commit infanticide,
paranoid schizophrenics.

Freed, they will lie on beds of
cottonballs and down
when the final evening falls
as the rest of us succumb to
endless meandering, collecting stuff.

Cheers, please write...



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