Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Creative Writing Tips - How to Develop a Discipline

Hello Fellow Creative Writers:

I'm often asked how best to go about developing a creative writing discipline.  Sad to say, there is no "one size fits all" in this realm. But I do have some tips for those of you who want to write more.

1 - Write when you are at your best.  Don't try to be creative when you've spent the day ferrying kids to activities, doing housework or have put in a full day at the office and are exhausted.  Write when you are fresh.

2 - Prepare your writing space.  Write someplace where you feel good. It could be a window seat, in the kitchen, in your bedroom.  Surround yourself with pretty things. Light a candle. Put yourself in a good mood and the ideas will flow.

3 - Make Writer's Appointments. Use your calendar to carve out time for writing. Make this time sacred.

4 - Start Small.  Don't take on the great American novel until you have some experience.  Many women begin simply by journaling every day.  Afterwards, scour your journal for phrases that can jump start a writing piece.  The will be there.

And, of course, if you are in N. Michigan, join a Women Writing for (a) Change Up North class.  Classes start on Aug. 30th, 2008. For more information on classes and free samplers classes on Aug. 2, 9, 16, and 23, see the website pages.

As usual, I'll leave you with a poem:

How to Change the World

First, do no harm.
See what others cannot.
Persist in the face of obstacles.
Be self-reliant -- it's up to you.
Battle bureaucracies like a fire-breathing dragon.
Let your idea posses you.
Do it backwards, upside down and inside out.
Start small and learn, then spread out.
Be child like in your desire to change the world.
Never take no for an answer.




At July 23, 2008 at 3:25 PM , Blogger Briget said...

I like these ideas! Sometimes when I'm really stuck I just sit there and write descriptions of the room to get myself started!


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