Monday, July 14, 2008

Great Retreat!

Hi, Fellow Writers:

We had a terrific retreat this past weekend at the Augustine Center in Petoskey, Michigan.  Six women writers got together to inspire and encourage one another, to write and to share writing with each other.  We had a terrific time....there were serious moments of sharing and lots of laughter, too.  I drafted several new poems and some of the women were inspired to write late into the night.

The Augustine Center could not have been more hospitable and we offer our thanks to Sister Barbara who is the retreat center Director and Megan who ably prepared our meals and served them.

I always come away from retreats on a natural high from the terrific writing and the camaraderie of being with other creative writers.

Meanwhile, back in Cincinnati we have moved to our condo. Boxes await me down there as we finish moving in and making it homey.

But before I leave for Cincinnati, I am enjoying another beautiful, cool Michigan summer day with the sky a cerulean blue and the brilliant green of the leaves on the trees and bushes.  I'll eat some fresh cherries for each of you and wish you happy creative writing.




At July 23, 2008 at 3:27 PM , Blogger Briget said...

It was a terrific retreat! the Augustine Center was so welcoming - lots of places to walk or write or just sit and think...I found ideas flowing so fast I could hardly keep up with them.


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