Saturday, May 10, 2008

Welcome May and Writing Retreat

Well, it is turning to Spring, albeit slowly, Up North. You'll get the picture from this poem from two weeks ago:

Awaiting Spring

Almost froze my ass off
getting gas today. April 26th.
Up North is not for thin blooded
Southern women who drink sweet-tea.

Forty-three degrees, blowing a gale,
the wood stove warms your shop,
where we drink strong coffee as you organize
drill bits, levels, lathe gouges and skews.

Sophie, with her spaniel’s keen nose
sniffs around for rodents in corners,
poking from one spot to the next,
disappointed with the results.

The mice huddle in their holes,
nesting with scraps of tissue
from the shredded box I should not
have stored in the closet under the eaves.

Come May the threat of snow
will vanish and we’ll emerge
into the sunshine, waiting
for lilacs to bloom and scent the air.

The threat of snow HAS vanished and we even have forsythia in bloom! I'm looking forward to those days that hit 70 far it's been mostly in the 50's.

Back to writing and writing workshops. Northern Michigan is my muse and I've been writing up a storm. Lots of ideas.

My next event is a writing retreat in Petoskey the weekend of July 11-13, for $299. Take a look at my site for more details. As always, the retreat is guided, with writing prompts and chances to share your writing in small groups and with the entire retreat.

Lot's has been going in my life. I'm hoping to go back to school for my MFA in Creative Writing (Poetry Concentration) and have applied to 4 schools. Now it's nail-biting time as I wait for results.

Also, I just got word that another poem will be published in a literary journal. So I was riding on air, yesterday.

We move to our condo in early July and there is lots to do in the meantime.

I'd love to hear from anyone who finds the site...there is a way to reach me via the site or just email me at -- be sure to put "Women Writing" in the subject.

Keep writing!

Anni Macht Gibson


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