Thursday, June 7, 2007

New Poem...

Every day that I write a poem is a good day. Writing thrills me. I like everything about it. The words, ideas that come to me and fleshing them out into a poem.

Here is a new poem about global warming.

Comments welcome.

Also...I am very open to reviews of my book. Just go to my website to purchase. It's also available at

Global Warming

God knows, this winter is
frightening for its lack of snow,
the absence of hands rubbing together
in the universal sign of cold.
Not this season
where December and January
have tried April on for size,
ditching our temperate climate,
for something more tropical.

We claim to mark time by four seasons,
but folks moan we have only two –
six months of summer, six of winter
with fleeting spells of spring and fall,
not worth mentioning but for
the occasional bijou, a jubilee,
crisp as an autumn apple,
wood smoke ticking the nostrils
or first warmth, teasing us
as we strip down to shirtsleeves,
losing layers of lambswool for linen.

They say this is an El Nino winter,
the little weather boy huffs and puffs
warm air our way, while some hope
for blizzards to keep us home
throwing extra logs on the fire,
sap jumping like popcorn.

Ambling about in light cotton sweaters
this January, I fret about the battles
my children and my children’s children
will live to fight. What catastrophes can I not
yet imagine? Twenty-first century plagues:
tidal waves drowning New York,
locusts ravaging Laramie,
pestilence in St. Paul?

Feeling small and lonely,
I religiously recycle newspaper,
carry cloth grocery bags,
bemoan the dearth of public transit.

What else can one person do, save pray?




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