Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Life without Power

Dear Writer Friends:

Life in the 21st century without power is an interesting thing.  Right now, I am at a Panera Bread Company location because power is out at my house, which went black last SUNDAY because of a windstorm from the remains of Hurricane Ike.  

Frankly, life in the 18th century is getting old, though I am grateful that the toilets work and we actually have hot water.  It is scary how dependent we are upon electricity, but it also got me thinking about the poor people in Baghdad who have power only intermittently and live in a much hotter climate!

My daughter and I have been reading, doing crosswords ad nauseam, playing Scrabble, going to the movie theater (they have power) and otherwise occupying ourselves with out the technology of TV and the internet.

It's also a great time to write!  I have been making journal entries to remember this time (where were YOU when the lights went out for 4 days in '08!).    I am also writing a poem about the ordeal-- great fodder for poetry in this.

Generally, I have been very impressed by the consideration people are showing one another.  At dead stop lights, people are treating them as four-way stops, letting each other go in an orderly fashion.  At Panera, the guy with the power strip is letting people use it to connect and charge their computers.  It is restoring my faith in man and womankind!

Duke Energy says that 85% of power will be restored today, but I have a funny feeling that the tree that downed the power lines for our little neighborhood may not be a high priority! So I won't be surprised if we are in the 15% who don't get their power back.   And if that's the case, we'll deal.  Fortunately, I snagged the last 2 battery operated lanterns at Meijer the other day and we can see. We have extra batteries and candles thanks to my best friend, whose power has been restored (stores are out of all necessities, including ice for the ice chest!).

Once we get power restored, I'm going to fix up at special "Power Out Kit" to put in the basement, with everything we need.  Next time, instead of scrambling, we'll be prepared.

Good writing to you all. Wishing you plenty of fodder for your work, but hoping it's not due to a natural disaster!
