Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dear Readers:

Have you ever wondered if you are a "real" writer?  Well, here is a quiz for you to take to judge.

Yes No 1)  You keep a journal.

Yes No 2)  You love everything about words...definitions, origins, new words...

Yes No 3)  You own at least one book on the art of writing.

Yes No 4)  You've entered a writing contest (3rd grade counts!).

Yes No 5)  You love word games (and hate Sudoku).

Yes No 6)  When you start writing Haiku, you can't stop.

Yes No 7)  You have The Writer's Almanac in your bookmarks/favorites.

Yes No 8)  Your friends have accused you of using big words to confuse them.

Yes No   9)  You keep a notebook by your bed in case something comes to you.

Yes No  10)  You have written a poem (even a bad one).

7-10 Yesses -- Oh Boy, are YOU a real writer!
4-6   Yesses -- You are a real writer!
1-3   Yesses -- You may be a writer who is just getting started, keep it up!
0      Yesses -- You might want to stick to math or sports!


Anni Macht Gibson
