Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Creative Writing Tips - How to Develop a Discipline

Hello Fellow Creative Writers:

I'm often asked how best to go about developing a creative writing discipline.  Sad to say, there is no "one size fits all" in this realm. But I do have some tips for those of you who want to write more.

1 - Write when you are at your best.  Don't try to be creative when you've spent the day ferrying kids to activities, doing housework or have put in a full day at the office and are exhausted.  Write when you are fresh.

2 - Prepare your writing space.  Write someplace where you feel good. It could be a window seat, in the kitchen, in your bedroom.  Surround yourself with pretty things. Light a candle. Put yourself in a good mood and the ideas will flow.

3 - Make Writer's Appointments. Use your calendar to carve out time for writing. Make this time sacred.

4 - Start Small.  Don't take on the great American novel until you have some experience.  Many women begin simply by journaling every day.  Afterwards, scour your journal for phrases that can jump start a writing piece.  The will be there.

And, of course, if you are in N. Michigan, join a Women Writing for (a) Change Up North class.  Classes start on Aug. 30th, 2008. For more information on classes and free samplers classes on Aug. 2, 9, 16, and 23, see the website pages.

As usual, I'll leave you with a poem:

How to Change the World

First, do no harm.
See what others cannot.
Persist in the face of obstacles.
Be self-reliant -- it's up to you.
Battle bureaucracies like a fire-breathing dragon.
Let your idea posses you.
Do it backwards, upside down and inside out.
Start small and learn, then spread out.
Be child like in your desire to change the world.
Never take no for an answer.



Saturday, July 19, 2008

Improved Website

Dear Readers:

You may have noticed some changes to our website!  I've been busy writing about Women Writing for (a) Change -- our values, our practices, our retreats -- to help you learn more about us before you give us a try.  

Check out the new articles on confidentiality, values and practices in creative writing classes and retreats, diversity of writing, why I (personally) love creative writing, what the "change" in Women Writing for (a) Change is all about.  I invite you to read about us, confident that you will be intrigued by what we have to offer.

I am still on a natural high after our wonderful retreat.  In the next few days, you'll be able to check out writing from the retreat on the site.  I hope this writing will inspire you to try your hand at some poetry, creative non-fiction, fiction, memoir or journaling.

Right now, I am preparing for the FREE sampler classes I will be holding in Traverse City at Just Imagine Creative Arts Center at 225 W. 14th St. each Saturday in August.  Our weekly classes begin on Saturday, August 30th from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., also at Just Imagine.  

If you have any questions about Women Writing for (a) Change after browsing the site, contact us via email ( or call me at the phone number on the website.

As usual, I'll leave you with a poem, this time a short poem inspired by the  Vietnamese Monk Thich Nhat Hanh:


cleansing open wounds,
tendrils of the heart unfurl
mindful of the pain


Anni Macht Gibson

Monday, July 14, 2008

Great Retreat!

Hi, Fellow Writers:

We had a terrific retreat this past weekend at the Augustine Center in Petoskey, Michigan.  Six women writers got together to inspire and encourage one another, to write and to share writing with each other.  We had a terrific time....there were serious moments of sharing and lots of laughter, too.  I drafted several new poems and some of the women were inspired to write late into the night.

The Augustine Center could not have been more hospitable and we offer our thanks to Sister Barbara who is the retreat center Director and Megan who ably prepared our meals and served them.

I always come away from retreats on a natural high from the terrific writing and the camaraderie of being with other creative writers.

Meanwhile, back in Cincinnati we have moved to our condo. Boxes await me down there as we finish moving in and making it homey.

But before I leave for Cincinnati, I am enjoying another beautiful, cool Michigan summer day with the sky a cerulean blue and the brilliant green of the leaves on the trees and bushes.  I'll eat some fresh cherries for each of you and wish you happy creative writing.

